Monday, March 24, 2014

15 tips to get flat Abs without exercices

First of all we have to say that companies are making millions of Dollars selling products promising flat sexy abs in short time.
This is just a lie because making flat , tight abs needs time , patience , changing life style and the most important factor is " High willpower ".

But here some Tips to make your abs flat and tight which will not cost you money nor time.

1- Eat low glycemic index food : because sugar are converted in the body to fats which will be stored in the body especially the abdomen region.
2- Drink plenty of water " normal body needs 2 liters/day ".
Tab water has the same result as cold water.
so you can drink as much as you can even Glass/hour. 
4-6 Liters/Day
3- High frequent small meals: Make your meal small and eat at frequent times.
this increases calories consumption .
4- Don't ever neglect the Breakfast meal >>> necessary for your daily activities and keep you active all the day.
5- Keep your meals on time : don't miss a meal time because this will make you eat too much and makes your body store the fats in the body as energy source for the future.
6- Make sure that your meal is rich in fibers " Fruits : apple , banana " " Vegetables : salad ".
7- Make sure that protein content of your meal is high " 30-40%".
8- Eat " Omega-3 fatty acids rich meals " like Salmon and Tuna.
9- Don't ever eat anything 2-3 hours before bedtime " because all of this food will be stored as fats ".
10- Cut down on alcohol : 
Stop Alcohol
          a- Alcohol is full of calories "Scary fact: a bottle of wine contain over 600 calories".
          b- Alcohol stimulate estrogen release >>> Weight gain
          c- Alcohol stimulates appetite 
11- Cut off soda and sugared drinks.
12- Eat a lot of lean protein : Nuts and Beans.
13- Eat low-fat dairy products.
14- Decrease sodium intake : because sodium "Na" cause retention of water.

15- Be patient: and don't expect the result in a week or even month.
Primary result will n't appear before 3 weeks.
It needs a lot of time to get your final goal.
16- A lot of tips : Try it one after one not all in once so you can keep going and NEVER GIVE UP.

I hope you enjoy it 
i will be glad for sharing and comments

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Advantages of Milk and its +++effect on body and health

What is Milk ?
Milk is the normal product of mammary gland secretion 
Milk is a complex, nutritious product that contains more than 100 substances " Casein, fats, fat soluble vitamins, Lactose, Whey protein, Mineral salts and more "

MILK composition and nutritional value 
Nutrients: (amount per 100 gm)
1- Water: It varies from 84.0g "buffalo" to 88.0g "cow"
2- Energy: 61.0 Kcal "cow" to 97.0 Kcal "buffalo"
3- Protein: 1.0g "Human" to 3.7g "buffalo"
4- Fat: 3.4g "cow" to 6.9g "Buffalo"
5- Lactose: 4.7g "cow" to 6.9g "Human"
6- Minerals: 0.2g "human" to 0.79g :buffalo"

Minerals and Vitamins concentration in MILK
Minerals(mg/100 ml)
Potassium           138
Calcium               125
Chloride              103
Phosphorus        96
Sodium               58
Sulfur                 30
Magnesium        12
Trace minerals "cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and etc." <  0.1

VITAMINS "μg/100 ml" (1 μg = 0.001 gram)
Vit. A                 30.0
Vit. D                 0.06
Vit. E                 88.0
Vit. K                 17.0
Vit. B1               37.0
Vit. B2               180.0
Vit. B6               46.0
Vit. B12             0.42
Vit. C                 1.7

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Why should we stop eating too much " French Fries "

French fries are one of the most favorite meals to us 

But eating much " French fries " is harmful to our body and hence affects our " HEALTH because :

1- French Fries contains " saturated fat " which is injurious to health 
This makes French Fries like " timed Bomb " that affects health with many chronic diseases such as : Cancer , Heart diseases , Diabetes Mellitus "DM" , Heart attack , Stroke and Atherosclerosis
NB: Fats are classified to two types " Saturated and non-saturated " 
Saturated are bad and causes increase in " LDL " " Low density lipoprotein which in turn decease " HDL " " High density lipoprotein ".
2- French Fries are rich in carbohydrates " starch " :
Carbohydrates are converted in the body to Sugar which are used as energy for the body or stored as " FATS " >>> Weight Gain >>> high production of insulin >>> Gradual resistance to insulin because fats are bad conductor of insulin Which eventually leads to Heart diseases and DM 
Protection : Go to gym and practice some exercises to burn these fats.

Each 100 gm of French Fries contains: 

220 Calories
Saturated fat

Monday, March 3, 2014

How to lose belly fat (1)

1- Types of food:

To lose Belly fat there are many ways: 

most of them depends on " reducing the amount of food "
But you can lose your abdominal fat with " eating food "
That is what so called " Change what you eat "
There are some foods that can help in reducing the abdominal fat

1- Walnut:

It converts carbohydrate meals to muscles instead of accumulation in the form of fat . Because it is rich in fatty acids.

2- Apples:

Apples contain fibers that give a feeling of fullness for a long time. 

3- Salmon:

It is considered one of the best meals that provide the body with its needs from the necessary fatty acids + protein.

4- Egg whites:

Advantage :
- Pure protein 
- Free from fats
- Advised for " Fitness "

5- Cauliflower: 
It is classified as " Vegetables " :
- Full of fibers >>> gives sensation of fullness
- Low calories
- Rich in Vitamins and Minerals which are essential for Healthy body

6- Berries:
- Rich in fibers >>> give sensation of fullness

7- Flax seed: " and its oil "
- Very rich in omega-3 which maintains Healthy Body Especially " The bone "
- Rich also in fibers and saturated fatty acids

To be continued
